IG Insight™
Empowering Legal Teams with Holistic TeamConnect™ Intelligence

Designed for Legal Ops and IT Teams.
IG Insight™ is a tool for Legal Operations and corporate IT teams to finally get a complete, connected, and holistic view of their TeamConnect™ system customizations, security, usage, performance, and more, in an easy-to-use interface.
Our tool gives you intelligent and actionable information and suggestions on how to reduce and simplify system complexity, increasing user adoption and reducing maintenance costs (not to mention headaches).
For Legal Operations Teams
Your Challenge
Our Solution
Your users complain that there are too many fields on the screen.
IG Insight™ does a quick and clean impact analysis before you delete anything.
Management is asking for reports and KPIs that are not tracked in the system. You want to change a field type, but that might break the screens and rules, and create bigger problems.
With a few clicks in IG Insight™, perform a full design and usage study on the existing field.
You would like to train new users and need a list of current active rules and what they do.
Use IG Insight™ to search through a list of all of your rules and what they do, with a few easy clicks.
You want to upgrade your system and are wondering if users still need the custom fields they insisted on 5 years ago, but you're daunted by the data conversion.
Pull a record count of each field, object, category, and how frequently users use them. Make your case in a matter of minutes.

For TeamConnect Support and Admins
Your Challenge
Users ask for help and send you a screenshot of an unclear TeamConnect error that has not been documented.
Our Solution
Use IG Insight™ to track the error so you can determine whether to contact internal IT, an implementation partner like InfiniGlobe, or Mitratech support, saving you tons of time.
You have noticed that some normal users are creating or updating contacts. You need to remove edit rights, but there are lots of security groups and you’re not sure which one you should update.
Use IG Insight’s™ visualization tool to trace object dependencies and group security settings so you can make changes with confidence.
The previous Admin retired and you have questions about design changes that were done to the lookup tables last year.
Use IG Insight™ to easily search through any system or custom field, locate lookup tables, and review change history.
Your log is huge with lots of lines and you’re having a hard time tracking down and resolving specific errors.
IG Insight™ records, searches, and analyzes your logs so you can pinpoint errors to the exact time of the incident. And yes, you can keep your logs and look back through them.

For TeamConnect Implementers
Your Challenge
Our Solution
It would be great to have a system Object Relationship Diagram, including all custom, involved, embedded object definitions, and parent-child relations.
TeamConnect™ realizes its true potential when we build great customizations on it but that requires careful impact analysis, planning, and complex data conversions. The good thing is, with IG Insight’s™ system blueprint you can review your infrastructure with a glance.
You want to change a field type from text to lookup but don’t know if the field has been used in any existing logic.
Use IG Insight™ to conduct a search and impact analysis with just a few clicks. Recreate the field with a new datatype, and migrate components to use your new field, quickly and worry-free.
Searching for field names, lookup tables, and classes is like searching for needles in a haystack.
Forget exporting a dense design snapshot. With IG Insight™, search across custom java code and GUI rules, in XML files and CJB classes, through tools, wizards, routes, templates, etc. You name it, IG Insight will help you find it.
You don’t have access to the latest source code, not to mention the labyrinth of legacy custom actions from years ago you have to sort through.
IG Insight™ redraws the map. Its proprietary visualization tools help you get a bird’s eye view of your system, from its rich customizations to its forgotten objects, you can finally get a look at what you’re working with.

For Corporate IT Teams Supporting The law department
Your Challenge
You need an under-the-hood view of your system so you can perform regular maintenance, clean, oil up, and keep your TeamConnect running smoothly in the cloud or on-premises.
Our Solution
IG Insight™ does a quick and clean impact analysis before you delete anything.
Management is asking for reports and KPIs that are not tracked in the system. You want to change a field type, but that might break the screens and rules, and create bigger problems.
With a few clicks in IG Insight™, perform a full design and usage study on the existing field.
You would like to train new users and need a list of current active rules and what they do.
Use IG Insight™ to search through a list of all of your rules and what they do, with a few easy clicks.
You want to upgrade your system and are wondering if users still need the custom fields they insisted on 5 years ago, but you're daunted by the data conversion.
Pull a record count of each field, object and category, and how frequently users use them. Make your case in a matter of minutes.


InfiniGlobe has achieved and maintains active ISO/IEC 27001 certification and is compliant with all of the certification requirements - an information security standard from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The scope of the certification extends to every level of InfiniGlobe’s operations in the Information Security Management System (ISMS), from cloud-based computing and IT to asset management, access control, human resources security, vendor management, and application security. InfiniGlobe LLC is certified by Schellman & Company, an ANAB, and UKAS Accredited Certification Body.
You'll Be In Good Company.