September 14, 2020
As businesses evolve, so do their process and system requirements. Often, however, TeamConnect objects, fields, screens, and processes are not kept up to date with newly-desired functionalities. Without dependency references, system admins hesitate to delete or hide a field that was customized and added in ages ago, clogging the system with hundreds of fields and tens of screens, with no idea of what’s useful and what’s obsolete. This compounds into lost motivation, if not full frustration, for end users when they login to TeamConnect and try to manage their cases or approve invoices. We all have come across applications that we use if and only if we are required to use them.
To do a proper system cleanup, you need visibility of your data and usage trends. The IG Insight data mining tool analyzes your data and generates reports showing the usage of all fields, records, etc. These Reports support business users and IT in making decisions on retiring or archiving old data, fields, modules, and processes.
Whether you are planning for your next TeamConnect upgrade, updating your business process and workflows, or simply would like better insight into how your users use your TeamConnect, this tool can help you significantly increase efficiency, cut costs, and open up system visibility.
For more information, contact us at info@infiniglobe.com or at +1 (833) LGL-TECH.